Monday, June 20, 2011

Bloggers Need to Understand

Every day, hundreds of new blogs are popping up. Most of them won’t last more than a few weeks. Why? It’s not always because the blogger is a bad writer. It’s because the blogger doesn’t have the right information to get started building a successful blog, so they fizzle out fast.
Here are 5 things new bloggers need to understand before they get started.

  1. It takes time to make money—We’ve all heard success stories of bloggers making a good secondary income or even an amazing primary income from blogging. What you might not realize is that making money from blogging is tough, and it sure as hell won’t happen overnight. If the only reason you’re getting into blogging is to make money, you can probably find another much easier and faster way to make more money.
  2. Passion keeps you going—Blogging is a nonstop activity. If your blog is successful, you’ll be posting on it for years to come. And if you’re not passionate about the subject you’re writing about, you’ll really start to get sick of it quickly. Blogging is a marathon, and passion is the fuel you need to keep going and going.
  3. Traffic isn’t everything—Too many bloggers measure their success by the amount of traffic they get. Personally, I’ve always found traffic to be a poor measure of a blog’s success. Sure, you need visitors, but what you really need is quality visitors who stick around, keep coming back, help spread your content around the web, interact in the comments, etc.
  4. Promotion is 99% of the battle—Great content alone won’t make your blog successful. You have to be an effective promoter to keep your blog alive and thriving. My advice: focus on building a strong network on Twitter and Facebook. Connect with influencers in your niche so you can have a network that spreads your content as far as possible.
  5. You need a plan—What do you want to accomplish with you blog? How do you plan on accomplishing it? You need to think about things like creating a posting schedule, finding an ideal post length for your blog, building a network for promotion, and so on. Blogging without a plan is a surefire way to waste a lot of time and energy.

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